Architects of the West Kingdom is an excellent game which takes worker placement and adds some twists. The goal of the game is to score points from building the cathedral and individual buildings.
Like it's predecessor, Raiders of the North Sea, it take the common mechanism of worker placement and messes with the conventions of that genre. Rather than having a small number of workers to make the best of, each player starts with 20. Rather than a tight race to claim spots on the there is no limit to the number of workers on a given spot. In fact, the more workers you place in one spot over a number of rounds the better the rewards.
It also has more player interaction than most worker placement games as you can arrest your opponents workers and get money for them which also stops anyone from exploiting one location too much. This is not a mean mechanism, however, as it doesn't cost the arrested player anything to get them back and it allows them to use the workers again once they've been bailed out of jail.
My only quibble with the game, so far, is that it is not easy to build a coherent strategy and I find myself doing things on a very tactical short-term approach. This could just be my inexperience with the game.
All in all, Architects of the West Kingdom is an excellent mid-weight worker placement game that refreshes the genre.